About Aurora



CPA services:Business registration/Accounting/Audit/Taxation

網路行銷服務, B2B系統導入顧問諮詢

Electronic Business advisory, B2B Web design project consulting

流程評估, 資訊系統導入, 專案開發及諮詢

Workflow evaluation, IT system Integration, IT Project advisory

委外服務: 秘書服務, 企業薪資稅務管理/人員教育訓練

Outsourcing include secretary service, salary payment management & Employee Training

外商與中國地區服務: 工商登記/稅務&帳務/工作簽證

International company & China area service: Business Registration/Tax & accounting/ work visa apply

律師/代書服務: 公司法, 律師/代書服務,商標/著作權服務

Lawyer/writer service: company Act, Lawyer/writer/Intellectual property rights services


Illusion interior design Co., give Aurora BC to have modem Industrial interior design.

行政總務服務: 行政支援, 信件收發, 會議室租借, 代訂旅館

General affair include Secretary service, Mail service, Meeting room rental and Hotel Booking


Indulge yourself with a cup of coffee and soak up in the light of inspiration

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為維護安全優雅的沉穩氛圍 參觀採完全預約制。 預約參觀請填寫聯絡我們表單,我們將儘速與您聯絡。

In order to keep the quality of our service, please make a reservation by leaving your information via Contact Us

台北市中山區松江路87號6樓之2 Rm. 2, Fl. 6th, No. 87, Songjiang Rd., District Zhongshan, Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 104

TEL / 02 - 2504 - 8000 Ext 100

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