Outsourcing include secretary service, salary payment management & Employee Training
International company & China area service: Business Registration/Tax & accounting/ work visa apply
Lawyer/writer service: company Act, Lawyer/writer/Intellectual property rights services
Illusion interior design Co., give Aurora BC to have modem Industrial interior design.
General affair include Secretary service, Mail service, Meeting room rental and Hotel Booking
為維護安全優雅的沉穩氛圍 參觀採完全預約制。 預約參觀請填寫聯絡我們表單,我們將儘速與您聯絡。
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台北市中山區松江路87號6樓之2 Rm. 2, Fl. 6th, No. 87, Songjiang Rd., District Zhongshan, Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 104
TEL / 02 - 2504 - 8000 Ext 100
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